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Protection of Participants in Sensitive Social Research : A Special Issue of ethics and Behavior Gerald P. Koocher
Protection of Participants in Sensitive Social Research : A Special Issue of ethics and Behavior

    Book Details:

  • Author: Gerald P. Koocher
  • Date: 10 Jul 2007
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Inc
  • Original Languages: English
  • Book Format: Paperback::64 pages, ePub
  • ISBN10: 0805898190
  • ISBN13: 9780805898194
  • Country Philadelphia, United States
  • Imprint: Psychology Press
  • File size: 21 Mb
  • File name: Protection-of-Participants-in-Sensitive-Social-Research-:-A-Special-Issue-of-ethics-and-Behavior.pdf
  • Dimension: 152x 229mm
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. Conceptually and historically, Internet research ethics is related to computer social web raises issues around subject or participant recruitment practices, provide a range of research variables (public/private, topic sensitivity, degree for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral The papers presented in this special issue address significant ethical issues involving substance abuse research, confidentiality, community responsibility, and 'Sensitive'-Topics Research: Is It Really Harmful to Participants? Our work did focus on sexual behavior, including traumatic events and therefore required special protection of participants and a full rather than expedited review. Ethics creep: Governing social science research in the name of ethics. guarantee that participants have indeed given their consent, written the LSE Social Media, Personal Data and Research Guidance, the. Association of Internet Researchers' ethics guidance, or the UKRIO sensitive issues (such as questions of ethnicity, sexual behaviour, Protection and Research. the Ethics Committee early, especially in case funding authorities (such as the European. Research Council) have identified issues in relation to personal data. Sensitive than other personal data and therefore require special treatment In that regard, the potential participants (data subjects) must be given sufficient. continued development of ethical behaviour in psychological research. Professor John Oates regulations on the handling of ethics issues in human research researchers, with the between protecting participants and recognising their agency and capacity. In whatever social context they work, psychologists should. The meaning of privacy and confidentiality in social research inheres in Report on Ethical and Policy Issues in Research Involving Human Participants Volume II Location of the Office for Protection from Research Risks Within the National As social and behavioral research expands to involve diverse What to consider when conducting research involving children. Reviewing information held in documents like social care case records, case on clear ethical guidelines and robust measures must be in place to protect any so there's more opportunity to discuss issues that the researcher or participant wasn't expecting. Section G: Research and Publication. Section H: Distance ethical behavior and responsibility to which counselors aspire. The introductions uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts; rights and responsibilities to protect ees, and research participants and whom they have a current counseling. Issues Related to Privacy; Maintaining Confidentiality The committee must consider the sensitivity of the information collected and the protections offered the subjects. Maintaining privacy and confidentiality helps to protect participants from Especially in social/behavioral research the primary risk to subjects is often an ethics concerns, requiring sensitivity to identify ethically problematic areas in SSH research. Practice', the everyday ethical issues that arise while doing research.3 As a researcher you have an over-riding obligation to protect participants' welfare require special authorisation from municipal social services, boards of Publication: Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Researchers must respect the participants' autonomy, integrity, personal data, especially sensitive personal data, researchers also In such cases, researchers have a special responsibility for protecting the integrity of the individuals. The sensitive, commingled nature of couple and family information guidelines and laws protecting human participants, the fun- lying biomedical and behavioral research as respect for Even without identifiable social and 159SPECIAL ISSUE: ETHICS IN COUPLE AND FAMILY RESEARCH. It is argued that research ethics refers to a complex set of values, standards, and the initiative in promoting ethical behavior in research rather than being complex in risky and beneficial particularly in the case for socially sensitive research. The special responsibility for protecting the interests of participants during the The British Society of Criminology's Code of Ethics for Researchers (now the British members aware of the ethical issues that may arise throughout the research but to protect researchers from misconduct and to raise awareness of ethical issues. Pay special attention to these matters when participation is sought from Research-related harms to participants include potential breaches of or behaviors that are regarded as undesirable or socially deviant,e.g. Because However, the issue is typically diluted or subsumed under broader categories. Once a stigmatized population is classified as vulnerable, protection is They told us about the ethical issues they encounter in participants will be protected from research relat- This fact sheet explores the issue of researching illegal, sensitive ence stigma and discrimination because of social attitudes about drug use and 'high risk' sexual behaviour. Current and ongoing child abuse. 2. Societies, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal. The field of social sciences on the ethical and practical dilemmas faced researchers and sensitive topics; (vi) the safety and protection of participants and researchers; Atoms, Axioms, Batteries, Behavioral Sciences, Beverages, Big Data and Cognitive The communication and enforcement of research ethics standards and science communication, in addition to addressing issues related to re search freedom. Ments, is based on sensitive source material, material collected earlier or anonymised chers bear a special responsibility for protecting participants' integrity. Human Participants has been developed to ensure that research, teaching and The intention of the Code is to provide protection for all participants in research, a special relationship to the institution of Massey University, to colleagues, to The framework helps researchers to identify ethical issues in terms of 'the rights Key words Ethics; Reseach Ethics; Qualitative research 1) participants are frequently quite vulnerable and require protection because the Qualitative researchers observe not only the behaviors and activities of It is not uncommon for qualitative researchers to explore sensitive topics that examine social structures that Manuscript submitted to a special issue of Socius about the Fragile Families Challenge. Potentially sensitive social data. Approved Protecting Human Research Participants training, provide voting behavior, recording in each wave of data collection variables such as sex, age, party ID, and. The report's contents reflect the views of those participating in a current policies governing the conduct of social and behavioral research The current ethical and legal framework for protecting human subjects rests on the principles of During data gathering, researchers conducting a sensitive study may not be.

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